Introduction to the course

  1. Code: 34554

Name: Logistics and Supply Chain Processes

  1. Credits:4,50

–Lecture: 2,40

–Practice: 2,10

Type of Course: Elective

Degree: 2241-Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering

Module: 13-Elective subjects

Subject: 45-Elective subjects


  1. Coordinator: Maheut, Julien Philippe Dominique




4. References

Supply chain management : strategy, planning, and operation Operations management

Supply chain management and advanced planning [electronic resource] : concepts, models, software, and case studies

Supply chain management and advanced planning : concepts, models, software and case studies

5. Course Outline


Chopra, Sunil Heizer, Jay

Slack, Nigel | Chambers, Stuart | Johnston, Robert

Stadtler, Hartmut | Kilger, Christoph

Stadtler, Hartmut | Kilger, Christoph


The subject intends to reviews the main drivers and facilitators of the logistics systems of companies (or a supply chains).

Thus, the subject starts considering generic supply chains management principles but then deal with more specific and detailed aspects of Supply Chain Management from strategic design to operational considerations in Logistics Management till new trends like reverse logistics in closed-loop supply chain.

6. Recommended Prior Knowledge

(33744) Operations Management (II) (33745) Lean manufacturing

(33746) Applied Operations Research and Management (33751) Enterprise Information Systems

(33772) Integrated Enterprise Management System (ERP): Projects and Operations (33783) Operations Consulting

(33804) Operations Management

7. Student  Outcomes Specific Student Outcomes

CB10(GE) Students should have the learning skills which allow them to continue studying in a largely self-directed or autonomous way.

CB6(GE) Knowledge and understanding which provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often within a research context.

CB9(GE) Students should know how to communicate their conclusions and the latest supporting knowledge or data to both specialised and non-specialised audiences clearly and free from ambiguity.

CB8(GE) Students should be capable of integrating knowledge and facing the complexities of making assessments based on information which, whether incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities in the application of their knowledge and judgements.

CB7(GE) Students should know how to apply acquired knowledge and have the ability to resolve problems in new or unknown environments within wider (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.

UPV-Generic Student Outcomes

  • Analyzing and solving problems
    • Activities carried out to achieve the student outcome

The 3 laboratory practices are the activities used to work and assess the competency.

  • Detailed description of the activities

In the three lab practices, the students will have to solve case studies in a systemic way and to develop solutions checking their feasibility but also they will use discrete event simulation to improve a logistic system.

  • Assessment criteria

The three reports will be used to assess the competency